Tuesday, October 25, 2022

When push comes to shove


 (2 minute, 30 second read)

            Posting pictures of puppies and kittens is really working!  The kitten pic did not beat the puppy pic though.  We’ll see what the future holds.

            Regarding my posts, as a rule I use sources that are trustworthy and have a high reliability in being factual.  When it comes to just providing definitions and such that isn’t as much of a concern.  I do occasionally use a source with a lesser rating but only if what is being said is accurate.  As an example, Huffington Post is a source that I have to check out. 

            Thanks for stopping by today!

            Agnosco diem.


            The DOJ has charged intelligence agents of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) government with crimes against America.[1]  This is a big deal!  More will come to light in the coming days and weeks.

            There is one thing that that I find intriguing about this.  The investigation has been going on for years.[2]  The FBI was investigating the charges against the PRC while Trump was in office.  Trump knew about charges against Huawei.  They were charged while he was in office. These charges are against the nation state the PRC.  Trump and his family have had business relations with China and have had for years.  The PRC even fast-tracked Ivanka Trump’s trademark licenses.[3]  Trump can’t seem to keep his mouth shut about anything. 

Did Trump know this investigation was going on?

True colors

            Right after the midterm elections we will as a nation learn the intentions of the Trump Republican Party if they are successful in taking back the House and Senate.  It won’t be pretty.  Think UK’s Liz Truss.[4]  Her party used “Reaganomics” (supply side economics) to deal with inflation and damn near crashed the country.[5]  It didn’t work.  The rich don’t trickle down.

            There is one thing that we can count on for sure with Trump Republicans and that is that the suffering rich will be rewarded yet again for profiting from the economic misery of global inflation just as they were rewarded during the pandemic.

            The middle class and poor are undeserving layabouts looking for a free handout as far as Trump Republicans are concerned.  Witness their actions concerning student loan forgiveness.  They have sided with the banks and are doing their level best to stop loan forgiveness.  People struggling to get by were accused by Republicans (McConnell for one) of being rewarded for not working.[6] 

            Eric Schmitt, a Trump Republican seeking the Senate in Missouri, has filed a legal challenge to Biden’s executive order allowing for student debt forgiveness.[7]  Interesting thing about Schmitt.  He voted to allow the Chinese to buy farmland in Missouri.[8] 

            Farmers are also supposed to receive debt relief thanks to a bill passed by Democrats and signed into law by President Biden.[9]  How do Trump Republicans feel about that do you suppose?  Well, here’s a surprise—they say it’s different helping farmers.[10]  Know why?  Farmers are rural America.

Rural America votes Trump Republican.

[1] https://nationalinterest.org/blog/politics/busted-doj-charges-13-chinese-nationals-%E2%80%98malign-schemes%E2%80%99-205511

[2] DOJ press conference:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIapcfvGKfQ

[3] https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/china-approves-13-new-ivanka-trump-trademarks-in-3-months

[4] https://theconversation.com/liz-truss-a-brief-guide-to-her-economic-ideas-and-what-the-evidence-says-about-them-191735

[5] https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/economics/reaganomics/

[6] https://www.rawstory.com/mitch-mcconnell-stimulus-check/

[7] https://ago.mo.gov/home/news/2022/09/29/attorney-general-schmitt-five-other-states-file-suit-challenging-biden-administration-s-student-loan-cancellation-program

[8] https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/09/team-pac/race-open-us-senate-seat-missouri-fact-checking-pa/

[9] https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/usda-announces-billion-debt-relief-36000-farmers-91701458

[10] https://www.radioiowa.com/2022/10/21/hinson-says-debt-relief-for-farmers-fundamentally-different-from-student-loan-forgiveness/