Friday, October 28, 2022

Free for all


(5 minute read)

            Bonne journée.

Another excellent day!  Started off the morning with coffee and a little Irish Cream in it.  Well, perhaps more than a little.  It’s one of those socially acceptable drinks to have in the morning, like mimosas.  Drink a beer in the morning and people will give you side eye for having a drinking problem.  Go figure.

We stayed at a bed and breakfast once for our anniversary. Part of the package was a bottle of bubbly.  Not being big drinkers, we shared it the next morning with the other guests in the guise of mimosas.  We hadn’t been on the days’ adventures very long when we realized we were hammered.  Looking back we realized that we were the only ones that drank mimosas.  What a couple of cheap drunks.  Fortunately we were walking.

I’m not all that happy with today’s post but that’s the way it is sometimes.

            Agnosco diem.

Historically has it ever worked out well for a cult and their leader?

Here comes de judge!

            With the midterms a couple of weeks away it’s going to get downright weird at times.  Social media is going to be inundated with misinformation.  Inundated.  Way back on February 23, 2020 I posted about how to go about checking to see if information is factual.  It was titled “Are you interested in being truthful?”  Social media has taught us that millions of people aren’t really interested in the truth any more than they’re interested in preserving our democracy.

            In the upcoming election there will be lots of close votes.  The Trump Republican Party (TRP) has already indicated that they believe that there will be fraud in the midterms and have been staging lawyers to be ready to file challenges over their unfounded beliefs.[1]  Republicans contested results in Republican primaries controlled by Republicans.[2]  It’s almost poetic that the miniscule fraud that was done in the 2020 election was committed by Republicans.[3]

            Democrats are going to find themselves backed into a corner when faced with losing close votes in elections that they lost.  They’re going to have to go to court.  Even if they don’t Republicans will have continued to undermine our democracy both home and abroad.

It’s what they do.

Chicken or egg?

            Democracy or economy?  Democracy or abortion?  Democracy or Authoritarian rule?  Democracy or any issue?  The economy is once again turning out to be the top issue.  NOT abortion.  Saving democracy is way down the line when it comes to people’s priorities.  Does that make any sense?

            Look at life in authoritarian regimes.  The war in Ukraine has also taught the world that Russians don’t have a lot of the things that we take for granted.  Rushists are looting appliances and personal items out of homes.  They’re stealing from stores.  Intercepted calls have shown the people back home asking for them to steal particular items. 

The standard of living in authoritarian ruled countries like Russia, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Cuba, countries throughout the world is less than ours.[4]  European countries dominate the top ten when it comes to standard of living. 

            So why do I bring this up?  Having a better standard of living and the opportunity to improve the standard of living for others has a better chance of success in a healthy vibrant democracy.  Remember.  The TRP says that our nation is the best and then maintain the opposite.  Democrats say it too.  So yes, Democracy should be the top priority in my estimation if we want to sustain what we have. 

Democracy should come first.

Home stretch

            It’s always hard for me to believe that we can get to this point in an election and there are millions of people saying that they still aren’t sure how they’re going to vote.  As I have stated previously, I don’t believe that the majority of “undecideds” are in reality undecided.  They’re breaking in the direction that they were always going to break.

            The news is full of Republicans saying that they are leaving the Republican Party and that the party is no longer the party that it was.  Their previously prominent leadership position is what makes them newsworthy.  If what they are saying is true we wouldn’t be seeing the tight races that we’re seeing.  The majority of the TRP is what the majority of Republicans always aspired to be. 


Place holders

            In previous elections before the TRP era traits like having a good character, integrity, being somewhat intelligent, and being pro-democracy were important.  In the 2022 elections not so much.  The candidates are simply going to be party place holders whether they are Democrat or Republican is all that matters.  They will vote party lines well, except for those that place their getting reelected first. 

            Trump Republicans want the freedom to say whatever they want and base laws upon the fictions that they have created.  They’re for “law and order” and want to fight crime unless guns are involved.  Like Trump they want to be able to sue anyone that criticizes them and win in court with laws that they create.  They want lies taught as the truth.  They want teachers to teach their lies or be punished.  They want the government to have control over people’s bodies.  They’re just starting with women.  The people that condemned hundreds of thousands to die in the pandemic with their policies want the power to do that codified. 

I also covered the TRP agenda < here > and < here >.  Theirs isn’t a complicated agenda. 

It’s whatever their Orange Jesus wants.





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