Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Ukraine v Russia


(5 minute read)

Good versus Evil

            Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky set the example from the very beginning of the Russian invasion when he turned down a ride out of the country and asked for ammunition.  Putin sent assassination teams to eliminate President Zelensky to bring about a regime change and they failed. Repeatedly.  Ukrainians rose up and resisted, right along with their armed forces.  They resisted, resisted and then resisted some more.  Then they started attacking and taking back their country. 

They will prevail.

            It’s clear in the struggle between Ukraine and Russia that Ukraine is standing their ground for the best of humanity.  The stakes are incredibly high and not just for Ukraine but for the rest of us as fascism yet again rises up around the world including the United States.  There aren’t enough outstanding adjectives to describe what Ukrainians are doing so I’m just going to go with heroic.  It is David versus Goliath and once again David, Ukraine, is winning.

            Will the Trump Republican Putin wing make their move against Ukraine after the midterms?  I think that they will.  Even now they are supporting Putin by voting no to aid for Ukraine.  Keep in mind that their glorious leader, Trump (not Putin) did nothing when President to have his idol Putin leave Crimea or other territories that Russia had already invaded.  Before Trump it was Obama that left Putin unchallenged in Ukraine. 

President Biden did something.

Now Trump says on his Lie Social network:

“U.S. ‘Leadership’ should remain ‘cool, calm, and dry’ on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President. [Ed., LIE]

Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???.”[i]

Tough talk for a man that avoided his own military service. Based upon what Trump didn’t do when he was President he could be expected to “negotiate” for Ukraine to give more territory to his idol Putin and undermine NATO at the same time if possible. 

Trump did NOTHING to get Russia out of Crimea.


            Ukrainians are fighting against evil personified.  President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people are a beacon of hope for freedom loving people everywhere.  The name Rushists comes from Ukrainians.  It combines the words Russian and fascism to describe the invaders of their land. Russians are the new Nazis. They also call them orcs. We have seen the evil that seems representative of the Russian army in all of the videos of war crimes that they have and are perpetrating on a daily basis.

            They are rapists, thieves, murders, torturers and of innocent men, women and children.  They slaughter innocents and do what they do best.  Destroy.  They destroy everything.  Homes. Entire cities.  People.  They are starving and torturing prisoners of war.  They abandon their own wounded or kill them.  They are depraved in their actions.  According to intercepted calls their families back home encourage their depravity.

Putin is an evil contagion.

War $

            War, what is it good for?[ii]  Unlike what the song says war is good for making big bucks.  One group that will be supportive of Ukraine in the United States is the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) that President Eisenhower talked about.[iii]  Given how ineffective and badly the Russians have done with their own equipment and how well Ukraine has done with the western equipment provided that they are transitioning to use to defeat the Russian invaders the MIC of western weapons can expect a lot of orders in the future.  Tens of billions will be spent just replenishing stocks.  Former Soviet bloc countries are unloading their Russian equipment to Ukraine.  In part because they’re trained how to use it already.  However, Ukrainians had demonstrated how resourceful they can be in learning how to use new equipment and use it effectively. 

They are an incredible people.

Terrible price

            Ukrainians have and are paying a terrible price in their struggle to keep their freedom and stay out from under the yoke of Russian oppression.  Millions displaced from their homes.  Families ripped apart.  Infrastructure destroyed.  Cities destroyed.  Citizens taken to Russia against their will.  The death toll won’t be fully known and understood until the war is over.  Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians wounded and that will have lasting disabilities.  Their economy is destroyed. 

Yet they fight on.

Fox Pravda supporting Russia.

            According to Russian propagandist Tucker Carlson, or Такер Карлсон his name in Russian, the war in Ukraine is the fault of the United States and NATO.[iv]  Carlson is popular on Russian television.  The sleazebag also claimed with absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the United States probably sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline.[v]  This is one of the reasons why Fox Pravda is so popular with conservative Trump Republicans.  It goes along with their constant drum beat that our government is bad.

            The right-wing white Christian Nationalist Trump Republicans couldn’t blame our country fast enough in this conflict.  Carlson is an excellent representative of their cause.  There’s a deep state running things.  Our institutions are to blame.  Our teachers are to blame.  Our government is to blame.  The FBI is evil.  The CIA is behind it all.  It’s the immigrants.  It’s the mongrels.  We have rejected their Jesus.  It’s this nation’s fault that Russia invaded Ukraine.  The Ukrainians are to blame.  It’s our fault that Russia is threatening nuclear war. 

Fuck these people.

[i] https://news.yahoo.com/trump-volunteers-help-negotiate-deal-220136496.html

[ii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01-2pNCZiNk

[iii] https://www.c-span.org/video/?15026-1/president-dwight-eisenhower-farewell-address

[iv] https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-point-ukraine-war-regime-change-russia

[v] https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/29/russia-nord-stream-tucker-carlson-fox-news/