Sunday, October 8, 2023

Cluster f~~~!

(2.7-minute read)


            In case you missed it, MAGA Republican Kevin McCarthy is no longer the Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Only 208 MAGA Republicans voted to keep him and that wasn’t enough.  Eight MAGA Republicans voted against him.[1]  The only surprise for me was that it didn’t happen sooner.

            Media keeps talking about the MAGA right-wing fringe of extremists that voted against him along with all the minority Party Democrats.  Why in the world didn’t the Democrats vote to save him?!  What’s the matter with them?! 

Well, this is just me going out in left field but it might have something to do with McCarthy voting to overturn the election in a coup attempt.  It’s kind of like saying why didn’t they vote for the good Nazi?  Better the fascist they know than the fascist they don’t.  Except Democrats do know the other MAGA fascists.

            One hundred and thirty-nine MAGA House members went along with the attempt to overturn the election along with 8 MAGA Senators.[2]  They are election-denying traitors that lack the backbone to stand up for Democracy.  The 3 possible contenders so far for the Speaker position, Jordan, Scalise and Hern, all voted to overturn the election.[3]  (Hern may or may not still be in the running as I write this.)  Indications are that Jordan was also one of the January 6 insurrection plotters.  Trump endorsed him.  What a surprise?!  If Trump farts, Jordan apologizes, gargles mouthwash and puts on more cologne. 

Will the most moderate fascist please stand up!

Look in the mirror.

            McCarthy only has himself to blame.  He wanted the position so badly that he agreed to the rule change that made it possible for one member to call for vacating the chair.  Having this happen was inevitable.  Gaetz did it and 7 other members of the fringier MAGA Communist Putin supporting wing went along with him.  Crashing government is one of their policies.  The MAGA Fox network is calling for civil war again as this is plays out.[4] 

Incidentally, that’s why they push for every parent to have the right to shut down anything that a teacher teaches that they find objectionable.  What is playing out in the House is what they want to happen in every classroom in America.  It’s why they want to abolish the Department of Education. 

            One of the many benefactors of our government being dysfunctional is Putin.  That’s why the MAGA Fascists stripped funding for Ukraine out of the budget.[5]  Our government is in disarray because of MAGA Republicans and our adversaries around the world know it.  (Russians monitor even my little blog.)  Dysfunction along with obstruction are also MAGA burn it all down policies. 

            They will at some point get it together and get their new fascist MAGA Speaker installed.  Only this time they’ll make it harder to fire them.  (Imagine a Jim Jordan that you can’t get rid of.)  The fringier MAGA Republicans will still be in charge because if they don’t get their way, they will keep a Speaker that they don’t own from getting elected.  A Speaker will have to have their vote.  Then they can get back to their main goal.

Shutting down our government.




[4] Gutfeld comments:
