Tuesday, October 17, 2023


(4.6-minute read)

            I do get into some personal history in this post from the time when I was a union member and activist for union democracy.  I encourage people to join a union if and when they should get the opportunity. 


            Politics can be and often is ugly.  This has been true since the founding of our country.  Politics is why slavery was written into the constitution to protect slave owners and NOT the slaves.  That was ugly.

This kind of talk triggers woke MAGA Republicans.  Lots of things trigger them.  Hearing the truth triggers them.  It’s why they are banning books. 

Believe it or not for a time politics was a lot more violent than it has been in more recent years.[1]  However, MAGA Republicans have taken political ugliness to a whole new level during modern times thanks to Trump and his supporters. 

            The closest Democrats can come to having a demagog like Trump is Huey Long of Louisiana.[2]  They really share a lot of attributes.  McCarthy, Joseph not Kevin, comes closest on the Republican side.[3]  Long and McCarthy may have been closest but they didn’t reach anywhere near the level of demagoguery and following that Trump has established.  Trump is unique in that regard.  He is single handedly responsible for starting the MAGA movement, a movement that became national and shattered the Republican Party.  BTW if it helps any Trump was a Democrat during the time when it suited his business interests in New York City better.[4] 

            Trump continues to call for violence and revenge in his campaign.  He continues to incite his mob.

That’s his nature.


            On a personal note, I have some familiarity with how MAGA operates due to my participation in union politics.  As a union member I helped start a group with a goal to improve democracy within the union.  Members working at several different companies were involved.  Our International officers had never had anyone make it through their complicated process to run against them.  Union officers at the national level go unchallenged.  Freedom of speech or rather the lack of it when members spoke critically about union officials was a major issue of ours. 

Trying to obtain a more democracy minded union seemed like a good idea at the time.  IT WASN’T! 

            I spent a good chunk of my retirement funds in the approximately 8-year struggle.  It seemed longer.  Much longer.  Our adversaries were union officials.  We referred to them as the Administrative Caucus.  They were in control of the union from the international to the local level and in complete charge of the voting process.  Their tools for suppressing any dissent were tried and true, perfected over decades of use.

            The Administrative Caucus had complete control of the election process as well as union media.  They threatened, lied and used disinformation against all of us involved in the union democracy movement.  We were harassed on the job.  Our families were targeted as well.  There was vandalism like brake lines being cut and tires flattened.  There were death threats.  Union representatives tried to get me and other supporters fired. 

This story could go on for a lot of words but I’ll just finish up that it culminated with a drive-by shooting.  The caucus we had formed disbanded shortly thereafter.  The majority of people involved weren’t prepared for that much violence and hostility.

            So I am familiar with MAGA politics that we see being used in coordinated fashion throughout the United States. 

Everything old is new again.

MAGA see.  MAGA do.

From top to bottom MAGA heads threaten violence, harass, bully and intimidate just like their role model Trump when Liberal society won’t take a knee to their demands. 

            MAGA Head Greg Gutfeld of Fox Pravda is calling for Civil War as a way to resolve MAGA’s quest for power and control of the nation and people’s lives.[5]  (If you haven’t heard his comments you can go to the link that I’ve provided in the footnotes.)  He is saying the not so quiet part out loud.  According to Gutfeld it is MAGA Heads that are oppressed.  Elections don’t work.  Our nation is in decline.  MAGA wants another Civil War.

            I agree with him about our nation being in decline.  MAGA Republicans were the dark underbelly of our nation and they have stepped into the light with their hate, violence and racism.  They have paralyzed our government at the worst possible time.  Instead of the brown shirts of the Nazis they are wearing their colorful red hats.[6]  Well, except for the Proud Boys.  The spiel that Trump pumps out is straight up fascism. 

They talk about protecting guns and the rights of guns.  Their constant rhetoric about guns adds weight to their threats against the Libtards, Dems, queers, immigrants, teachers, doctors, pregnant women, Muslims, Jews that don’t support Trump, police, the DOJ, the FBI, judges, jurors, judicial staff, election workers, fact checkers, media, legacy Republicans, John McCain Republicans, RINOs, and anyone that disagrees with them.

On the heels of his “Biden is going to get us into World War 2” comments Trump claimed that the Hannibal Lecter character from the movie Silence of the Lambs loves him.[7]  He doesn’t.[8]  Continuing with the cannibal thing Trump also says that Republicans eat their young.[9]  (I’ve got no idea on this one.)  As Trump slides into insanity his MAGA Heads will quickly follow him.  Because Trrrruuuuummmmmp! 

BTW it really isn’t that long of a slide.


[1] https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/04/24/forgotten-precedent-unprecedented-politics-age-of-acrimony-484072

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huey_Long

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_McCarthy

[4] Trump a Democrat:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUlUZ9MywWI

[5] https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/10/lets-watch-greg-gutfeld-justify-why-a-civil-war-is-necessary-in-the-united-states/

[6] Brown shirts:  https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/ss

[7] Hannibal Lecter loves me comments:  https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1710777385153368153?s=20

[8] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-boasts-that-hannibal-lecter-loves-him/ar-AA1hTIJI

[9] Snacks:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZF0FHda-fc