Thursday, October 26, 2023

MAGA Party Time!

(3.5-minute read.)

MAGA Brand

            On the twenty fifth day of the tenth month of the two thousandth and twenty third year of our lord the Republican Party officially died.  It is now the MAGA Party.  They really should rename it that.

            There’s a Kevin Costner series called Yellowstone.  In it Costner’s character is the patriarchal head of a family ranch.  In an ongoing story line different characters would get an actual “Y” brand burned into their chest just like cattle are branded in order to belong to the in group.  This would be perfect for the Trump world.

            How about it MAGA Heads?  Brand yourself for Trump to show your allegiance!  Make your commitment!  Burn the letter onto your body.  Trump LOVES branding his property and showing people what’s his!  Imagine how good it would make him feel with people showing him his brand cauterized on their body. 


Who is?

In case you’re wondering who MAGA Rep. Mike Johnson is, according to MAGA Rep. Elise Stefanik, a man of deep faith.  If you haven’t heard Stefanik’s nomination speech it’s here.  The Christian faith was referenced several times as well.  She also said that Johnson is a “…deeply respected constitutional lawyer…”, meaning he led the charge to overturn the vote of the people.  This next part is where there is significant eyebrow raise.  According to Stefanik Johnson is “…a friend to all and an enemy to none.  Mike is strong, tough and fair and above all Mike is kind.” 

Whoa budette!  Let’s call a halt right there!  Kind?  Mike is kind?!  Are we talking about the same Mike Johnson?  MAGA Rep. Johnson is virulently anti-gay.[1]  Virulently.[2]  He wants homosexuality criminalized just like in the good ‘ol days.  He’s worried that allowing same sex marriage will lead to people being able to marry their pets.[3]  Yes.  You read that right.

            According to Johnson, “This is a free country, but we don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices.”  I agree with this statement of his in regard to his bizarre life choices including but not limited to his wanting to impose his MAGA crackpot religious beliefs on others.  Remember he’s a constitutional lawyer so he knows what he’s talking about. 

Except he doesn’t.

Pro tip

When evangelical is used in the descriptor of someone, crazy follows.  Big crazy.

MAGA Rep. Johnson’s crazy anti about other things too.  He was a part of the MAGA coup attempt to overturn the election by not certifying the electoral vote that Biden won.[4]  Since he’s a part of the MAGA Putin wing he opposed aid to Ukraine.[5]  He’s brown noser that sucks up to the immoral rapist Trump every chance he gets.[6]  According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) he was a spokesperson for the Alliance Defending Freedom a hate group.[7]  MAGA heads want the freedom to take away freedom from others.  Let me see, oh yes, he wants to cut Social Security and Medicaid.[8]  (When MAGA talks about debt and reform they mean cuts.)  Doesn’t believe that humans are causing climate change.[9]  Wants to eliminate the Department of Education.[10]  Johnson’s also opposed to unions and wants a national right to work (for less.) law.[11]  Look this list could go on and on.  You get the drift. 

MAGA Rep. Johnson is perfect for MAGA.

Moderates Unite!

            What happened to the supposedly moderate Republicans that objected to MAGA Rep Jim Jordan being Speaker because he was too extreme?  They caved.  They were always going to cave.  There isn’t any way that the MAGA Party was going to support a moderate.[12]  MAGA Jesus wouldn’t let them.  So what did “moderate” MAGA Reps do?  They unanimously voted to support a MAGA Rep. that is more extreme than Jordan.  You know why?  They lacked the courage of their convictions. If they were truly interested in doing what was best for the country they would have worked with the Democrats and voted for Feffries.  Their comments were just blow.  NO backbone.  What’s funny is that they will get primaried anyway by MAGA because they aren’t MAGA enough. 

They put the MAGA Party first.

[1] Johnson anti-gay:

[2] Johnson:

[3] Johnson on pet marriage:



[6] Suck up tweet to the loser:


[8] Cuts:



[11] Ibid
