Thursday, October 19, 2023

What hath Biden wrought?!

(7.8-minute read)

            I keep seeing posts where MAGA heads defy people to name one thing that Biden has accomplished.  Seriously.  So, I’ll provide more details on President Biden’s accomplishments than some people need or want.  Those are easy parts to skip over.  The main thing to remember is that ultimately all of these acts/bills create jobs.  It’s why we have a low unemployment rate right now.[1] 


            President Biden and Trump are a study in contrasts.  Biden has a history, a long well-established history, of working diligently for the American people.  Getting legislation passed takes a lot of work.  (Cassidy Hutchinson’s book “Enough” provides some insight in that regard.  I have read it and will do a post/review about it in the future.)  Trump has zero work ethic.[2]  He has a whine ethic.  All of the legislation that has passed so far during President Biden’s term has aided working people, retirees, veterans, children, the poor, people of color, the LGBTQ community and on and on. 

            MAGA heads, you know the people that tried to overthrow our government, claim that Biden and the Dems are trying to destroy our country.  They will claim that President Biden has done nothing and is a socialist.  Medicare is socialism.  Medicaid is socialism.  Social Security is socialism.  Food programs for the needy are socialism.  Well, … you get the idea.  But wait!  Giving money to the wealthy is NOT socialism according to MAGA.

Good to know.

Eye of the beholder

            I have watched more interviews and checked more MAGA social media pages than I can count and the amount of ignorance displayed is staggering.  It’s hard to believe that in a modern society the lack of knowledge or even minimal critical thinking is even possible.  I’m not going to bother providing clips, screen captures or links.  Just go to the average MAGA Head page and browse, or not. 

            The funny but sad part is that Trump thinks his followers are low class.[3]  This isn’t new information.  Trump doesn’t have a history of hanging out with working people.  He does have a long history of fucking over working people.[4]  Trump is a deadbeat that still maintains his record of not paying his bills stiffing vendors and municipalities alike in the past[5] and in the present.[6]  Trump’s unpaid debts have been turned over to collection agencies in some instances.[7]  It’s why some venues want their money up front. 

Good luck with that.


            Here is how President Biden is destroying the nation.  Remember Biden’s Administration didn’t start until January of 2021.  I mention this because MAGA Republicans blame him for happenings in 2020.[8]  Ignorance runs deep with MAGA.  Real deep.  Crazy deep.

            I’m going to list some things now that Democrats have accomplished.  The thing to remember about all these major pieces of legislation is that there are numerous subsets of accomplishments that are major in their own right. 

All this information is available online from numerous legitimate sources. 

            I’ll start with the Inflation reduction act since that had such a major impact for seniors like me.


  • Beginning in 2025 out of pocket prescription drug costs for seniors will be capped at $2000.  I have one cancer medication that costs $2,000 per month with insurance. Fortunately for me the Veterans Administration provides it to me for $8.  Others aren’t so fortunate.
  • The Affordable Care Act subsidies were continued allowing 3 million people to hold onto their health insurance as an expectant nation continues waiting for the MAGA Republican super-duper health care plan.
  • Medicare can now negotiate lower drug costs
  • Wealthy corporations will have a minimum 15% tax rate rather than zero.
  • Additional funding was provided to the IRS to hire agents to go after wealthy tax cheats like Trump.
  • Tax credits to households to offset high energy costs.
  • The Department of Interior will release 2 million acres of public land for lease to drill on and free up to 60 million acres of offshore water for drilling.
  • Funds were approved for climate change.

            You can go to the Wikipedia page on the Act if you want to have a quick view of how complicated and detailed an Act like this is.[10] 

Every Republican voted against this Act.


            The endnote in the title provides a link to the government website for a synopsis of the Act.  This Act is also referred to as the COVID-19 Stimulus package was to provide relief from the economic damage that COVID did to the country.[12]  This bill was enormous and MILLIONs of Americans benefitted from it including MAGA Republicans like House member Marjorie Taylor Greene, that didn’t hesitate to belly up to the trough even though they voted against it.[13] 

  • Payments to individuals.   Most individuals remember getting the $1400 that the Act provided.
  • Extended unemployment insurance.
  • Money for schools.
  • Expanded the child tax credit. 
  • Money for small businesses. 
  • Money for states and municipalities.
  • Funding for anti-poverty programs
  • Money for vaccines to try and deal with the pandemic.  MAGA Head anti-vaxxers really like to treat vaccines as some kind of a joke.  That’s why a few hundred thousand more MAGA Heads died.[14] 

            Okay, that’s enough.  The above list is very short compared to all of the benefits provided by the Plan.  People were desperate.  The government came through.  Times were still hard for people.

NO Republican voted for this Plan.


            Wow.  Keep in mind that this Plan created jobs for a lot of people all over the country.

  • Billions were provided for roads, bridges, railroads, broadband, water systems, water storage, public transit, airports, electric grids, ports, waterways and the list, like the beat, goes on.
  • Investing in manufacturing Electrical Vehicle (EV) batteries in the United States.  This is a big one along with increasing the number of chargers for EVs.[16] 
  • Increased firefighter pay for wildfire mitigation needs.  In other words they needed to offer more money to get firefighters.
  • Clean up pollution from abandoned mines and oil wells.
  • Made funds available for weatherizing homes.

            Tribal lands were included in the plan.

19 Republican Senators out of 50 voted with Democrats for this Plan.[17] 

Only 13 House members voted for the Plan.[18] 

Trump opposed the Plan.


            This Act was extremely important for those veterans that were exposed to burn pits and Agent Orange.  I know veterans impacted by Agent Orange and burn pits.  This bill is long past due.  The VA will now provide health care benefits and care to those affected along with their survivors since so many have died already.  

NOTE:  There were quite a few votes on this Act so be careful in checking them out.  I think I got the final vote count.

11 Republican Senators voted against this Act.[20]

174 Republican Representatives voted against the Act.[21] 


This bill was designed to boost the semiconductor industry in this country.  Supply chain issues caused by COVID-19 showed how vulnerable we were to China in this sector.

  • Billions were approved for building and/or expanding facilities needed by the industry.
  • Tax credits were approved for investing done in the United States for this industry to be developed.
  • Funds were approved to advance research and development.
  • Scholarships, fellowships and trainee programs will be provided for those needing education in related Science Technology Engineering and Mathematical (STEM) fields necessary for the semiconductor industry.

            MAGA Republicans dishonor themselves when they vote against something (like Greene that I’ve already mentioned.  She isn’t alone.)  And yet, when they go back home, they tout the accomplishment.[23]  This isn’t new behavior.  Senator Cruz is another example in this vote of a MAGA taking credit for something he voted against.[24] 

184 Republican Representatives voted against the Act.

32 Republican Senators and 1 Democrat (Sanders) voted NO.


            President Biden’s accomplishments aren’t relegated just to the legislative arena.  Biden has also used Executive actions and just mainly presented himself as a professional that knows what he’s doing.  He knows how government works and puts in the time. 

* President Biden has reaffirmed our commitment to NATO and Democracy. Trump and MAGA have and continue to try and undermine it.

* From the very beginning Biden has been a voice of reason in our nation’s support for Israel with respect to the Hamas terrorist attack.  Trump criticized Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu for letting us down while praising terrorists for being very smart.[25] 

* Biden has and remains steadfast in our nation’s support for Ukraine.  Trump tried to blackmail them for nonexistent dirt on Biden.

* Biden continues to seek ways to reduce student debt incrementally.[26]

* He hasn’t waxed poetic about likin’ him some dictators.  That’s an excellent personal policy.

            This post is getting to be too long so I’m just going to wrap it up with a parting comment about Trump.  Trump has been busy since he’s no longer President.  Sorry Q-anon but Trump lost the election and isn’t the secret President.  I know. Life is hard.  But Trump is still at it.

Trump is busy criminaling!

























[25] Trump Netanyahu comments:
