Monday, October 23, 2023

Dysfunction Junction


(1.5-minute read)


            Okay, the Gang of 8 had their fun but I fully expect that MAGA Republicans will choose a Speaker this week.[2]  For one thing it’s hard to maintain the level of ineptness at governing that they have exhibited so far.  If nothing else just to end the daily drubbing that they are receiving from all sectors of society including MAGA Republicans and what I call legacy Republicans (Old school).[3]  I admit that it’s possible that they have depths of ignorance that they haven’t reached yet.

            I’m still shocked that 25 Republicans managed to find enough backbone to stand up to the threats, intimidation and bullying and vote against coup plotter Jordan. 

            Of the 9 candidates currently seeking the House Speaker position only 2 voted to accept the will of the people.[4]  Just two.  That breakdown is close to representative of the MAGA Republican Party and overall support for just going ahead and burning it all down. 

That’s the governing they do best.

It’s the Dems fault!

            Dodging responsibility for their actions is one of the talents of MAGA Republicans as they follow the footsteps of their sexual abusing leader Trump and blame Democrats for ousting McCarthy.[5]  Then the dastardly Dems caused more problems by not voting for insurrectionist Republican candidates that supported overthrowing our nation.  Crazy!

            The Democrat candidate Representative Hakeem Jeffries has pulled more votes for Speaker than the Republican candidates put forward.[6]  Jeffries certainly seems to be more popular than their MAGA candidates.  BUT MAGA Republicans aren’t interested in compromise as they search for just the right combination of fanatical extremism crazy coupled with duplicity and a touch of inquisitiony behavior. 

And Jesus.





