Sunday, October 1, 2023



 (4.6-minute read)

 Just as a brief aside MAGA has become more than a slogan.  It’s a noun, a verb, pronoun and an adjective as in:  I’m MAGA!  MAGA you!  They have MAGA beliefs.  My pronouns are MAGA, MAGA and MAGA.  She’s a MAGA skank.


            Anything you can shout I can shout better!  Wave those arms around!

            It only seemed right for me to watch the MAGA Republican debate rather than just watch all the sound bites.  There were times when all the participants behaved themselves and all was normal on stage.  But in the future, they need to put the contestants in booths like a game show and then cut their microphones when they don’t answer the question they were asked.  Or when they try to shout over each other.

Shock collars are another possibility.

Where was the King of MAGA?

            Trump made the right decision NOT showing up.  He didn’t need the aggravation.  He’s got enough of that from all the civil and felony charges in a variety of courts that have been filed against him.  Click here if you want an update on all the legal activity surrounding the Trump crime family.[1]  Six of the 7 people on stage were unwilling to take on Trump in absentia because they don’t want to alienate his MAGA base.  Look, the MAGA base only wants Trump and no one gets their support unless the King of the MAGAs tells them to.

There can be only one MAGA King to rule them all.

Shout it out!

            Things got a little strange when the contestants started calling out each other for lying while lying.  Media Bias Fact Check does an excellent job of going through the false claims made during the debate by those on the stage.  You can check out all the lying liars here.  I’ll have a link in the footnotes as well.[2]  The entire debate is here.

            I do have some favorite moments from the debate.

Sleeping with the enemy.

            Former New Jersey Gov. Christie claimed that because President Biden sleeps with Jill Biden who belongs to the teachers union he’s compromised.  Good to know.  On the positive side it’s good to know that he’s sleeping with his wife.

My wife was in management in another company and I was a union member where I worked.  There were union people that thought surely I was compromised because of this.  My feeling on the matter is that I enjoyed … relationshipping … her.  I was getting to do to management what union leaders just talked about doing.  This may or may not make it by my editor. 

When is the truth a lie? 

The debate answers that question. 

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum said that his state was the top state in the country in school SAT scores.  I found that claim just a tad suspect when I heard it.  Turns out that only 1% of North Dakota students take the SAT tests.  All the states with low SAT participation scored at the top.  Just the overachievers took the test.  One percent.  What a dick claim.

But wait!

            It turns out that North Dakota students do take the ACT and in that testing they’re tied for 37th with guess who?”  Wyoming![3]  States vary in the number of students that do the ACT testing.[4] 

            I also liked it when Christie said that only 52 miles of new border wall was built by Trump and Mexico didn’t pay a dime while former Vice President Pence claimed that hundreds of miles had been built during their administration.[5]  They both told the truth.


Other lowlights.

I’ll give a condensed version of the debate.

  • On “Day One” of being President LOTs of stuff is going to happen. LOTS.
  • America is the greatest country in the world.  America is in terrible shape.
  • We have to get out of Ukraine.  We should support Ukraine.
  • Education is important.  Eliminate the Department of Education.
  • The military should do attacks in Mexico.  We should pull out of NATO.
  • We need to put more people to work.  Let’s shut down the government.
  • We need more of our own oil!  Green energy is bad.  (I do want to note here that MAGA Republicans act like they believe there’s an infinite supply of oil underground.  Conservatives used to say pump the Mideast dry then we won’t need them.)
  • LGBTQIA+ people are crazy.  They just really get their freak on over queers.

That list could be longer because the entire debate was full of the people on stage taking contradictory positions in referencing their past actions.  Often, they didn’t even bother answering the question and instead just gave a talking point.

It just makes no sense to me that Pence is in this race or on that stage.  He’s like, Mr. Un-personality.  He could have used that fly to add a little excitement.  He should just stay home with Mother and enjoy life as best they can. 

            Trump has now told the RNC that they shouldn’t hold any more debates since he is hands down the winner already.  The RNC doesn’t seem to grasp that Trump is running for President even if by some miracle he was to lose the primaries.  His core base of support will vote for him if he is in prison and yes he can run even if he was in prison.[6]  He should just be declared the winner and skip the voting. 

See a pattern?




[4] Ibid.

