Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Assassins R Us!


 (2-minute read)

 Greenlighting a hit on himself.

            In a somewhat surprising turn of events the man who isn’t President just made the legal claim through his lawyers that the current President could order his assassination and not be criminally charged.  Impeached maybe but not charged. 

His Stinkyness is the first ex-President in history to have greenlighted a hit on himself.  I’m not sure that Smelly Cat really thought this whole constitutional right to assassinate argument through. 

His Bulkiness Trump claims total immunity to do anything.  Anything?  Yeap, anything.  Anything including assassinating his opposition.  Seems kind of hard to believe I know but just the same here we are.  AND we’ve learned that his girlfriend Roger Stone wanted to (allegedly) order assassinations on opposition Democrats while Trumpodor was still President.[1] 

            According to Donna Trump, President Joe would be within his rights to have Eric’s Dad rubbed out, resign before he was impeached and then the new President Kamala Harris could pardon him of any of his crimes.



            This is the kind of world that MAGA Republicans and Trump want us to live in.  A world where Trump sits on his gilded throne and rules.  He did get to authorize killing some people while he was President.  He evidently wants to kill a lot more his second time around.  He did want to kill some Mexicans in Mexico but got stopped.[2]  Wiser heads prevailed.  Attacking another country is kind of frowned upon but his buddy Putin did it and his girlfriend Un is supplying weapons to kill Ukrainians.  Trump wants to join the club.

            A Rolling Stone article[3] said that Trump wants to bring back firing squads and have group executions.[4]  He wants them televised.  Trump likes talking about killing people at campaign events especially conversations that he had with his good buddy Xi.[5]  (as “Christians” cheered.)  He threatens to use the DOJ and FBI to exact revenge if he doesn’t get granted total immunity from all of the criminal acts that he has committed and will commit in the future. 

            Any MAGA Republican elected President would do the same things to our democracy that their Orange Jesus would have done including pardoning Stinky and all the other rebellionistas that tried to overthrow our government.

Which will it be?

Tin-pot or totalitarian dictatorship![6]





[5] At 16m7s:

[6] Abstract: