Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Crime Solved!

(1.5-minute read)

Stop it!

            Senator Tim Scott said that Trump will stop crime in the streets of Washington DC![1]  He wasn’t joking around either.

You might be wondering how that is going to happen.  Well, you needn’t wonder any more.  Your worries about crime are over.  The solution is beyond simple and can be used anywhere.  Trump announced the solution after Scott’s introduction.

"We are gonna clean up Washington DC, and we are gonna make it a crime-free zone. There are not gonna be any crime. We are gonna have laws, but we are gonna have to take it over," Trump stated.

            It’s a 4 phased solution.

Phase 1:  Give Washington DC a good scrubbing.

Phase 2:  Make it a crime-free zone.  (The genius part.)

Phase 3:  Make some laws.

Phase 4:  Take it over.

            Okay, that phase 4 sounds a little ambiguous but I’m sure that’s a minor detail.  The beauty of Trump’s plan is stopping the crime before making some laws.  So, how will that part of phase 2 work? 

Well, according to unreliable sources Phase 2 will kick off with the rounding up of potential recalcitrants and give them a stern talking to followed with a serious admonishment not to do anything bad.  Then Josh Hawley will strut forward and show them the mighty fist of power.

That should do it.

Crime solved!


            Following up his history making crime fighting plan Trump has finally produced his health care plan for all Americans.

“Don’t get sick or injured.”


[1] Tim Scott endorsement:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbaMbNvt1xI