Saturday, January 20, 2024

Promised Land


            The political social chaos that we find ourselves in in America was sparked by one man in 2016.  That’s kind of hard to accept but nevertheless here we are.  What’s more, 2024 will be more of the same.  Again, directly attributable to one man. 

            All the hate, violence, discord, threats and lies emanated from one man and sparked a movement.  His lack of character and a moral compass guides him.  He tapped into dormant racism and the worst qualities of humanity and made them desirable attributes.  Attributes that his followers value.

            The MAGA movement was spawned from his reptilian thoughts.  They have been with us all along.  They just needed a leader that had the same values and desires to subjugate and punish those they believed to be inferior.  Their beliefs require subjects not citizens.  Then a gilded man that sits in gilded chairs came down a golden escalator to lead the downtrodden to their promised land.  A land where they are the overseers. 

            Trump, now a convicted rapist, became President though he lost the popular vote.  He came up short on delivering on his promises of subjugation and domination.  But he tried.  A few hundred thousand citizens died needlessly because of his deceit and it cost him the 2020 election.  The families of survivors remembered and knew who to blame.

            Now MAGA Republicans are laying their honor and integrity at his feet like so much trash in order to gain the favor of the would-be savior that MAGA worships.  Fealty is required of everyone.  They carry his waste into the world.

            Now, having failed to overthrow our government and steal his way to power, he tries once again to take back what is to be his throne. He tours the land trafficking in threats, fear, intimidation and oppression.  At his rallies he twists, turns, squirms and purses his lips as he messages his ugly visions of the America he would create in his own image.

The very worst of America has taken center stage.