Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Trump Angry about win.


(2-minute read)

Dementia Don Angry!

            Oooooooooooeeeeee Dementia Don is angry about winning the New Hampshire primary![1]  Trump said that he won by a bigger margin than the actual voting shows.  (Meidas Touch gives a good breakdown of the speech < here. >)  Perhaps he’s confused about winning.  That can happen.[2] 

Trump unleashed a tirade about Nikki Haley not throwing in the towel because she can’t win.  He even mocked her dress. “When I watched her in the fancy dress that probably wasn’t so fancy.”  An obviously too angry Trump went on to say that he didn’t get too angry he gets even.  Trump is always ready with a threat as are his MAGA supporters like Marjorie Taylor Greene who said that they were going to destroy Haley.

Bring on the MAGA Daleks!

SOP Complaints/threats/lies.

            Trump and his MAGA cult never pass up an opportunity to make their usual complaints even when they win.

Bring on the MAGA Daleks again!

Good news.

            It may sound odd to say that things are looking up even though President Biden isn’t looking good in polls and Trump won his primary.  But I’m in agreement with Nikki Haley that Democrats want Trump for the opposition candidate against President Biden. 

            I’m an Independent and will vote for any Democrat that runs against Trump.  I’m not contributing to primaries where more than one Democrat is seeking the nomination except in races where I really like the candidate like Lucas Kunce running in Missouri.  President Biden is not considered to be the best candidate by a lot of Democrats and Independents alike.  Biden won the New Hampshire primary with write-in votes.  That’s the first time in history that happened.  

            In the New Hampshire primary Haley won Independent voters over Trump.  The Trump MAGA campaign is denigrating Independent voters.  You’ve got to know that behind the scenes the MAGA number crunchers are shitting bricks over Independents voting against Trump.  A large portion of them will break for President Biden in the general election and he only needs a few percentage points against Trump nationally.

Independents favor Biden.

[1] Meidas Touch commentary about Trump win: