Thursday, January 18, 2024



(2-minute read)

Is it real?

            Are people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)?  The obvious answer is yes.  Especially if you watch interviews of Trump supporters.  The ignorance displayed is truly astonishing as is the level of absolute craziness.  But really, who does the term more accurately apply to?

            Let’s break TDS down a bit starting with estrangement since we know who Trump is.


“To make mentally unsound.”[1]


“A group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition.”[2]

Other names. Other games.

            Now, I’m going to throw in a couple of other terms that are also used by opponents of Trump, like referring to him as a narcissist.[3] 

“An extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.”

            Trump’s an obese 77-year-old that talks about himself constantly and views the world as it relates to him.  He says he’s a genius and knows more about everything than anybody else in history.  That he could have stopped the Civil War is just one of his multitude of non-accomplishments.

Being President is obviously a position of importance in the world.  Trump is no longer President.  Trump thinking that he’s a genius about everything is an exaggeration and an abnormality. 


“a person who is overly concerned with his or her physical appearance,”

is another example of his narcissism.

Trump’s vanity reminds me of those old white guys that do combovers with a few strands of hair.  Trump puts on makeup that makes him look orange first thing in the morning, always wears a suit (except when golfing), dyes his hair to look like spun cotton candy and won’t let anyone else do his hair.

He is after all a lady’s man.

Trump’s also a convicted rapist.

Black is white.  White is black.

            Pathological liar.[4] 

A person who lies compulsively usually for no external gain or benefit and often with detrimental consequences.

It isn’t just something that Trump does, it’s a symptom of TDS.  Trump breaks out of the mold though in that pathological lying has worked for him due to his MAGA Republicans supporting his monumental pile of lies.  They quickly learned that lying gets MAGA votes. 

Trump’s MAGA supporters accept his lies without question because he tells them what they want to hear.  It is their dishonesty, racism, homophobia, sexism, advocacy of violence, rejection of reality and hatred for our government that will save them.  These are fundamental to their beliefs.  It’s the new MAGA Republicanism. 

            To answer the question concerning TDS is yes, it is real and MAGA Republican Trump cult followers have it.

It is fascism.



