Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Trump Governs in Exile.

(2.5-minute read.)

             Trump is working on starting a club of MAGA Red states.  MAGA leaders are calling for a “divorce” from Blue states.  Trump is leading the club.

Any of this sound historically familiar?

Deep State

            MAGA hates any authority other than their own. 

Does MAGA want to have a Civil War?  They certainly talk like they do. 

            Trump is openly busy pulling strings about pending legislation in Congress as if he’s the head of a government in exile.  Fox Pravda News defers to him as if he’s still President.  Trump for his part acts like he still has the power and immunity of being the actual President.

Trump is calling MAGA Senators and Representatives and instructing them not to pass legislation dealing with immigration at the southern border because he wants to campaign on the issue.[1]  So far MAGA Republicans are following the orders of their unelected President.

Trump is the Deep State.

The New Confederation

            The Texas government is defying the Supreme Court and continues refusing Border Patrol agents access to the border.  The Supreme Court has said that the Governor’s acts are illegal.  Yet 25 Governors of other red states are offering support to Texas Gov. Abbot.[2] / Some of these states have sent National Guard troops to Texas in the past.

            The question that comes to me is are they pushing for an armed confrontation?  The last I heard all the involved parties at the border have weapons.

Meanwhile red state legislators continue working to help Trump consolidate his government in exile.  In red states they are passing voting restrictions that impact Democratic turnout more than Republican turnout.  Additionally, they continue consolidating their power over the election process.[3]  In Florida a bill was introduced to help Trump the billionaire Rapist with his legal fees.[4]  The bill was pulled.  In Georgia the MAGA Republican Legislature wants to get Prosecutor Fani Willis removed.[5]  She’s the Prosecutor trying the cases of the seditionists that tried to overthrow our government.

            MAGA Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene previously called for red states to secede from the union again.[6]  Texas also has legislators that push for secession.[7]  They are calling it a divorce.  What they are calling for is treason.  It’s a ‘lost cause of the Confederacy’ gambit to return southern slave states to power along with new states created since the last Civil War.[8] 

MAGA Republicans wanting to divide and bust up our country is nothing new.  I covered the topic of secession in America Under Attack Parts One and TwoPrior to any secession they’ll need to set up a governing body ready to assert control and take the reins.  In the interim they prefer a Deep State government by Trump.

Dear Leader in waiting.


[1] https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/01/25/mitt-romney-trump-border-bill-negotiation-vpx.cnn

[2] https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/01/26/national-guard-border-texas/

[3] https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/01/republicans-elections-key-states-2024-00124734

[4] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/state/2024/01/23/a-florida-senator-proposed-using-taxpayers-5-million-for-trump-legal-defense-desantis-put-a-stop-to/72318951007/

[5] https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2024-01-23/could-georgias-fani-willis-be-removed-from-prosecuting-donald-trump

[6] MTG on secession:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lyqLI0cMpI

[7] https://www.texastribune.org/2023/11/15/texas-secession-texit/

[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy